Safety Policy Statement
The aims of the Canoe-Camping Club are to promote the sport of canoeing and in particular the recreational disciplines of touring and canoe-camping, and to organise such activities for the benefit and enjoyment of its members.
The Canoe-Camping Club is a long established, national organisation (founded 1933) with an excellent safety record. It is a Section of the Camping & Caravanning Club (founded 1901) under whose public liability insurance the C-CC is covered.
The Club comprises a number of regional groups that each arrange canoeing activities which combine to form a national programme. Events are generally open to all members and offer a wide range of canoeing activities catering for all levels of ability. These activities are organised by the members on a voluntary basis and the Club is indebted to all those who give their time and energies in this way. Between them the Club’s organisers and leaders bring a wide range of knowledge and experience to the benefit of the Club. They are authorised by the National Committee of the Club to act on behalf of the Club. The National Committee takes account of both experience and qualifications in accepting organisers and leaders, who undertake to follow the Club’s guidelines listed below.
The Canoe-Camping Club has a Safety Policy which comprises:
- Safety Code for Canoeists
- The Canoe-Camping Club and Young People
- Guidelines for Run leaders and Organisers
- Guidelines for the appointment of Run leaders and Instructors for Club events
- Guidelines for inviting other organisations on Club events
- The BCU’s “Good practice for the safe conduct of recreational canoeing activities” ?
Members are also referred to the Code for Campers and the Caravan Code published in the Handbook of the Camping & Caravanning Club, which is issued to all members.
This policy has been submitted to the BCU for approval. The National Committee of the Canoe-Camping Club keeps a watching brief on the development by the BCU of safety policy and leadership qualifications in relation to touring canoeing, and will take into account any relevant guidelines which the BCU may formulate in the future.